Ability to Update Shipping Addresses
Courtney Mayers
Courtney Mayers: YES!!!
Courtney Mayers
in progress
Courtney Mayers
To add to this you should be able to edit the shipping address. When you click the pencil to edit shipping address it wants you to input the entire thing all over again. You should be able to just add in an apartment number if needed.
Al fattes
Agree, the process to update at any stage of order shouldn't be an issue.
KDK Store
You also cannot add a shipping method after the order is placed. i.e. if a customer was originally going to pick it up and then changed their mind and want it shipped.
KDK Store: We deal with this all the time and Ashley just answered it for us. I know it should be easier but you just remove it from the job and you can then change it to shipping.
Ty Hadley
I need to clarify here that if an Order has not went through Production, the shipping address can be adjusted. If the Production Cards are assigned to a Job or already are completed, you can still change things by marking the Production Cards as Incomplete.