Automatic Supplier Products Sync
Stephanie Wilson
100% agree! IMO, there needs to be an option to update the feed. Many images are not included, not all items/colors in stock are shown (when I know they are available), descriptions of items are not complete, have grammatical errors, and/or include some wonky characters. I'm not sure why this is left to the customer. Perhaps having the ability to manually sync would work. Thanks so much!
Cole Weinman
More like accurate product sync. When you import products, a lot of the time the images and product descriptions are messed up. Why have an import feature if it imports wrong data?
Vanessa Powell
couldn't agree more!
Emily Palmer
Please add a SYNC button to refresh colors and images!!!
Douglas Brandt
YES. This has been frustrating lately. I think Sanmar has been updating their product shots from models to flat garments, and so various colors almost never match. Then, when trying to upload a 500x500 image, it's different than the original ones already in inksoft. Uugh.
Linda Bruno
Don't forget your Canadian customers when you add this feature. US catalogs don't help us.
Kyle Weller
Add inventory levels to this feature as well.
Andrew Kristich
I agree, It would save time. Also, with cooperation of other suppliers and manufacturers, it would be great to see more of their products synced with inksoft.
Al fattes
Absolutely # 1 need! Insane amount of time/$$$$ to do InkSoft’s part. Too bad they don’t tell you about this during sales Pitch /sign up. The designer feature has been tossed aside for stores and fundraising. Too bad as each time you spend time/$$$$ updating products/images/decorating location etc you lose margin. Completely nutz images aren’t available if supplier has them available. Should be super easy, just massage the data for us or make the suppliers !!
Al fattes: Not to mention by the time you've done a ton of this legwork... the suppliers have updated their images. We downloaded side shots and then created a left and right version for sleeves to upload.. now S&S provides a perfect side shot. Product Images should pull from the supplier. We have also delegated Inksoft specifically to fundraising and stores because we have to do too much work to make it useful for anything else.
Janice Achterberg
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