Delete Art
Francis J Milos Jr
This says it is complete, but I can not delete any art in my account.
Makenzie Hurd
Francis J Milos Jr
Makenzie Hurd: This says it is complete, but I can not delete any art in my account.
Makenzie Hurd
Francis J Milos Jr: Hi there! In a Proposal on the Art Shelf you will be able to delete unused pieces of art. If anything is in use on the Proposal, the option to delete will not be available. Here is a quick video demonstrating:
Francis J Milos Jr
Makenzie Hurd: if you go to manage art and select art then delete, you can not delete any art. This should be an option also
Nan Sibley
Yes. We would love this feature. Removing irrelevant art removes confusion & saves time for future reorders.
Jennie McGovern Livezey
I would like this option as well as are sometime changes just a small amount and it’s hard to see which design is which.