Pick Up Fee
Courtney Mayers
Our pick up methods for stores is missing one key function that we had for our starter theme store pick up methods and that is to allow for an admin to add a price to the method as a fee or service.
- I should be able to add a fee to a pick up method via Store Admin Settings (Stores) / Reusable Pick Up Methods (Proposals)
- The pick up method fee should be visible to shoppers through Checkout, Order Confirmation, EUSP, Order Status Page etc.
Makenzie Hurd
Released June 3, 2024.
New settings on Pickup Methods that allow you to select between 3 different pricing options, such as charging by item count, weight, or subtotal.
Elizabeth Boyes
Any update on the progress? Having ready by the end of June in time for BTS stores would be great.
Makenzie Hurd
in progress
Chase Cox
Fixed or Flat rate on pickup works best for us. Would it be possible just to add a customizable additional fee box where the name and price could be customized? I like the idea of having a pickup fee method, but also would like to have an art fee for specific art and a digitizing fee for first time digitizing.
Ange Miller
Tier Based Pricing would work best for us. If they hit a certain amount of dollars they would get free shipping.
Quinton Beck
We use a pickup fee for our team stores mainly. Having a way to specifically assign a unique pickup method per store, with the ability to add a fee if needed, directly in the store admin would be great. That way I would not have to go into the shipping methods and create a new "pick-Up" method and add a fee that way. It works, but it lacks the description items you would get on a normal "Pick-Up" method. We use a fixed/ Flat rate Pick-Up fee, so having an option to just add an amount would be great.
Geno Talkington
I don't charge to pick up locally... i would be open to making a way to deliver in our city for a fee...but i don't want to charge for local pickups.
Valley Threadz
I prefer the ability to make it waht I need to for this order. Could be differnt per customer, order, etc.
Courtney Mayers
Valley Threadz: Can you elaborate on what you mean by different per customer, order, etc.?
Valley Threadz
Courtney Mayers: sometimes we might give a customer a different fee based on volume, special or cortesy or weather we are doing a local delicery -.
Courtney Mayers
Hey all! Just wanted to check in and get some feedback from you. We are interested to know how you would like to price a stores pickup method. We are exploring the following pricing structures:
- Tier Based Pricing = Set a different price based on total item weight, item count or item total ($).
- Percentage Price = Calculate by a set percentage of the orders subtotal
- Fix / Flat Rate Price = Enter a 1 time fee for the specified Pickup Method
Let me know your thoughts in the comments on what best works for your shop. Thanks so much in advance!
Chris Rathburn
Courtney Mayers: We should be able to add the Fixed/Flat Rate I think would be the simplest thing to do. We should be able to Add text to explain what the fee is and why it's being charged, etc... We should also be able to change the name of the charge like: Local Pickup, or Local Delivery, etc...
New Wave Sports Outfitter
Courtney Mayers: I would like the ability to do all the above . It would depend store . Or a combination of 2. For instance we would be able to put a 2% fee on the order plus a handling fee. Similar to the way shipping is setup . It’s based on a rate but we can add an additional fee too.
New Wave Sports Outfitter
Chris Rathburn: I agree with being able to change the name of the field
Courtney Mayers
Merged in a post:
Delivery/Artwork Fees
Matt Whitney Surfside Prints, INC
We would like the ability to add "Local Delivery" fees and have the system average it out per unit. We do not want the client to be able to see fees we add.
This would be the same if we are adding an artwork fee or a vector fee.
Also, would be applicable to folding/bagging or custom neck labels printed into garments.
Then if all of this would be able to break out in reports so accounting can get a clear picture of what the sales reps are charging the clients.
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