SalesDoc Reports Updates
Makenzie Hurd
We are looking at making some improvements to the current SalesDoc report offerings. This includes the following:
- Update: Default all fields in each report ON
- Update: Additional fields in some existing reports (IE: Personalization fields in Order Detail Report)
- New Report: Product Ordering Report (By SKU)
- New Report: Product Ordering Report (By MFG SKU)
Courtney Mayers
Courtney Mayers
in progress
I was disappointed by our upgrade to SalesDoc. I thought we were going to be able to create Custom Reports by pulling ANY column/field from any report area, into a Custom report. i.e. I want to combine the Sales Report fields: Gift Certificate #, Payment Type, Transaction Type, Payment Method, Transaction Created Date WITH fields on the Orders Detail Report. We are having to jump through hoops to get the reporting we need on the Accounting side.
Nathan Eppley
I would like to request the following additions / updates:
- New Report: Quantity of designs for each render package. We are able to bulk download the render package, but there is no way for me to know how many of each I need to print. If someone buys 10 shirts of the same design, there is no way for me to know just by downloading the render package.
This causes us to have to scrub through each individual order every morning to find the quantity of each design the need to print that day.
This would save my staff 2 -3 hours a day.
- Update: Add ACTUAL ship date so I can determine production times
- Update: Ability to run fundraiser reports based on a specific date range for completed orders. We have a lot of evergreen stores that get profit sharing checks monthly. We have no way to run a report showing what should be paid out each month based on orders that were completed.
Bryan Nagel
Please add the ability to print a report on products that are on inventory for a customer. The feedback I've received from tech support is that this is currently not an option and that the only solution is to manually view each product in the store to create an inventory report. Clearly this is not good use of time so if can add this to the improvements that would be great. Thank you.
Louis DiMeglio
Bryan Nagel: This is huge for us and a MAJOR oversight. How is it possible that there is inventory tracking but no way to report on it. That's just plain insane.
Makenzie Hurd