Selecting Multiple Orders
Brad Immel
It would be nice in the order manager, production, anywhere where you have to check off orders you want to print, mark as in production, etc etc, if you could select the first one, hold down the shift key and select the last one, and have it select everything in between. During the summer and fall is our busy season and we'll be processing a couple hundred orders a day at the peak, it would be so much simpler and save so much time if you could click twice to select everything! The site we used before InkSoft had this option (as well as several others that inkSoft doesn't have that would make it so much easier to use).
Brad Immel
This would also help very much in making sure that everything has been selected and none were missed! Again, along with so many others, this is a feature that is very basic and commonplace and yet InkSoft does not have it.